Why study human resource management?

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Postgraduate studies in human resource management is one of the most popular specialized fields in business. To find out more about the components of such a program, we interviewed Mara Wrisberg, a graduate student at our institute.

Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management

Human resource management is primarily about managing people in an organization. It is based on the idea that making the most of the company’s (human) resources will benefit both employers and employees. Today, the importance of this role is greater than ever before and includes areas such as corporate social responsibility (CSR), work-life balance and the mental health of employees.

This means that specialized programs for graduates must adapt to the modern challenges facing human resources. One such program is the Postgraduate Program in Human Resource Management at the European Institute of Finance & Management.

The postgraduate program in human resources management is an annual program divided into two semesters. In the 1st semester, students will get acquainted with the basic principles of human resource management within the compulsory modules of the program. These include the basics of personnel policy, the specifics of human resource management in the organization or methods of training and remuneration of employees.

The second half of the study program gives students the opportunity to specialize in an area of ​​their choice. For example, they can learn to manage the diversity of the workforce and find out how companies can use it to their advantage. Or the Labor Law module provides students with practical knowledge about current labor law and its possible future changes.

After completing the final thesis, which summarizes the year-long work, students are equipped with skills that will allow them to truly apply themselves in the world of human resources – not only now but also in the future.

Mara Wrisberg is a foreign student from Germany who graduated from the EIFM with a postgraduate degree in Human Resource Management. She says the detailed structure of the program is a real benefit.

“The program is basically based on communication with lecturers who really pay attention to us and explain in detail the issues related to human resource management. This area of ​​business is very specific, so it’s great that the program is taught by real experts.”

And why study for a specialized master’s program?

Unlike a standard master’s program or MIM, specialized graduate programs focus on one narrow area. One example is human resources, but other specialized graduate programs focus on topics such as marketing, data analysis, and finance.

They may attract students who are pursuing a particular career but need practical skills to gain a foothold in the industry. They can also taste a certain area of ​​business – whether through a bachelor’s degree, DBA or the like – and they want to expand their knowledge in this area.

Whatever your reason for studying a specialized program, it is important to consider how it will help you achieve your career goals. There is no point in studying such a program unless you are 100% committed to it. After all, all programs lead to very specific areas of work, so it is important that the area you study is close to you and that your studies fulfill you. If you make the right decision, you will have great prospects for starting your career.

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